
7 Common Things Where Bacteria Thrive

There are places and things that can carry bacteria and where they can flourish abundantly. These organisms can multiply very fast and can cause us illness if they contaminate the food that we eat. We are not aware that Marc Jacobs Handbags they are there because they are not visible to the eye but still they exist and they do cause illness. Here are Samantha Thavasa Handbags common items that can carry these microorganisms and ways on how to avoid them from becoming breeding grounds for bacteria.

1. Your makeup is a good breeding ground for bacteria since it is most often neglected when the time comes for cleaning our things and personal items. Makeup should be replaced every three months in order to avoid getting sick from the dirt that have clung to it.

2. Your cell phone also needs constant cleaning since it is the thing that we most frequently handle day and night. The bacteria that can cling to it can be transferred to our face and lips as we receive a call.

3. When we go out, we usually take our handbags with us and sometimes we just put them anywhere, on bathroom floors and restaurant floors, not knowing that there are germs there that can cling to the handbags and which we in turn carry home with us.

4. Lemon slices. Never touch the lemon slice that comes with your drinks at restaurants because it most certainly has come in contact with a lot of dirty hands.

5. The vacuum cleaner that you use to gather the dirt and dust in your home is obviously a germ carrier. Choose a vacuum cleaner that will let you dispose of its contents easily and always make sure to do this regularly.

6. If you are using a contact lens then the case where you keep them can also have bacteria on it. Always clean it using the solution and never use water.

7. Your dirty clothes and underwear are sure places for bacteria to stay in. E Coli can be found plentiful in your dirty underwear and must be washed with Valention Handbags hot water to help kill the bacteria.

