
Show Special Preference To Old Jewelry

Not every person likes wearing fashion jewelry and prefers to wearing stylish jewelry, some people think old jewelry are more attractive.I have a friend who is a full-time working mother. She has never thought of specially buying a piece of jewelry for herself. To her, this idea is so strange that she has few appetite. She thinks a piece of fashion jewelry should to be a gift sent by the other persons. If you go to a shop to choose a piece of fashion jewelry for yourself alone, then it's too bad. She has a feeling to cry. Excepting to choose a piece of fashion jewelry as a gift, she never goes to jewelry stores. But there is an exception. She said when she past by a franchised Tiffany jewelry store, she always stops for a a minute, this feeling is the same as going to a museum since you know there are many old things waiting for you to understand and learn. She knows that there are many classic Tiffany jewelry in the store and she will experience an extraordinary visual feast from this franchised Tiffany jewelry store. My friend tells me she doesn't know the function of jewelry in fact and has no time to see some magazines concerned with jewelry, but she like wearing jewelry and has a special preference oo old jewelry. She likes the surprise which jewelry has bought. It's a constant surprise. She have many jewelry which are sent by my husband, mother and mother-in-law and all of them are old jewelry. She doesn't understand why they send old jewelry for her. When she was a little child, all the things sent by others are a little old. She have a pair of old silver bracelets. It's a famous old brand Tiffany jewelry. Her grandmother passed this pair of silver bracelets to her mother and her mother passed it to her at her 16 years birthday.She tells me she has put those jewelry in an old jewelry box and want to passed those jewelry to her daughter, like her mother. She doesn't have a strongbox. To her, that air swimmers old jewelry box is the most precious thing in the world. The jewelry have special meanings for her since they represent a lot memories to her relatives. Every piece of jewelry RC Air Swimmers can remind her one thing or one person in her life. There are a piece of gem necklace which is sent by her mother at Christmas Day. That piece of fashion necklace is made into heart-shaped, very colorful. She likes old jewelry just because those old jewelry can remind her many meaningful things in her life and they have some unique characters. Of course, she will be interested in the masterpieces of jewelry designer. She like those old jewelry since they have many stories. Just like her silver bracelets, though the air swimmers price is not very expensive, it's very precious and valuable for her. Sometimes, you will think how many interesting thing this pair of jewelry has experienced. It can be say that old jewelry is far beyond the fashion trend.

